Finding the right compression sleeve for you can be sometimes difficult, because of its sizes, designs, materials-used, the amount of compression that you can receive, and even money. You definitely do not want to buy an expensive compression sleeve and discover that it doesn’t fit your style and needs. So here is a list of tips to help you find the right compression sleeves: 1.
Pick a darker color If you want your sleeve to appear new and clean, then you probably want to skip white colored compression sleeves. When going through a tough day of work out, you intend to perspire a lot. And sweating can mean having lots of sweat marks all over your white compression sleeve. 2.
Right level of compression Look for a compression sleeve with the right compression. You can normally find the measurement of the widest area of your calf to correspond with the respective sizing. And depending on the type of material used, some are more stretchable and would be able to fit most calves. 3.
Read reviews of the product Doing a bit of research on the sleeve that you want will sometimes help you uncover certain elements that you might have overlooked. Whether it is that the sleeve only comes in a piece (rather than one pair!), or that the compression sleeves do not retain its shape after being washed a few times. This might just save you from some heartache and having to buy another pair so soon!