5 Fitness Trends in 2015

Once we survive the holidays, we’ll be contemplating our New Year’s resolution, and for most of us, those resolutions will include commitments to fitness. Before you contemplate what you’ll do differently next year, take a look at what fitness industry experts say will be the hottest trends at a gym (or gym bag) near you. You may learn to love the treadmill. Twenty years ago, spinning classes brought the wind trainers of the cycling world into the mainstream. While the treadmill is traditionally reviled by many runners, treadmill studios seek to make treadmill running a social-yet-challenging experience. Classes will be lead by running coaches and fitness instructors, depending on the gym. You can drink more juice. Juice bars will continue to evolve, and many will seek to step on the toes of supplement companies by introducing formulas to drink before and after your workout. 2015 will also bring a greater assortment of at-home juicing and smoothie-making appliances so you can get your shake on at home. You won’t suffer as many hangovers. That is, if you embrace the trend of healthy nightlife activities hitting big cities everywhere. Clubs and concert venues will blend DJs and black lights with dance and yoga, and replace booze with water. Check out The Get Down to see for yourself. You can upgrade your gym clothes. Several years ago, Stella McCartney designed a successful line for Adidas, and a trend in fitness fashion began. More designers will jump on the fitness-fashion trend in 2015, which means you’ll no longer be confined to race shirts and soccer shorts. You’ll use Instagram for healthy recipes. Food bloggers are embracing Instagram, and the pictures are beautiful - so yummy looking, that users don’t realize they are looking at recipes that are often low-cal, low-carb, or low-sugar. If reading healthy food descriptions has turned you off on healthy options in the past, try searching Instagram for healthy foods, and check out the pictures first
Feast your eyes to lose the weight - this may be the “diet” trick you’re looking for!